Guatemala Acatenango Cooperative La Asunción Maribel
Tastes of:
Region: San José Poaquil, Acatenango, Chimaltenango
Farmer: Multiple farmers around San José Poaquil, Cooperative La Asunción
Variety: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1900-2000 m.a.s.l.
The fully washed coffees from the La Asuncion Cooperative are traditionally depulped and fermented in washing tanks with fresh water for about 24 hours before being fully washed and dried on patios for approximately 12 to 15 days. Each day-lot is then cupped and separated by cupping profile to manage consistency in the cup.
The cooperative headquarters is located in the town San José Poaquil near Acatenango, Chimaltenango. The Coop members have farms ranging from 1800 to 2000 meters above sea level and receive 1,800 mm of rainfall each year on average. Most of the farms grow coffee under shade from “Chalum”, Grevillea, Avocado, Pine or “Jocote” trees. In the beginning of the 19th century, Don José Morales and his family migrated from Joyabaj Quiche to Canajal, San Martin Jilotepeque. For more than half a century, Don Jose Morales dedicated his life to agriculture. The most important labor was the production of eggs, which was the main income for the Morales family. With time and hard work, Don Jose was able to buy additional land in different towns around San José Poaquil, Chimaltenango. In the 1980’s the Morales’ family introduced the first bourbon coffee plantations, whose nursery came from the region of Acatenango, Chimaltenango. Since then, the coffee plantations have become more significant to the Morales family income and to the surrounding families in the San José Poaquil region. Don Tomas Morales Chitic, grandson of Don José Morales, is currently sustaining the coffee family tradition by promoting the growth and renovation of the coffee plantations. Recently the family decided to unite their efforts and start the “Cooperativa La Asunción”, named after Don José’s wife. Cooperativa La Asunción is the latest iterance of Don Jose’s effort to better commercialize the coffee region with the objective of improving life for more San José Poaquil families.
How to Brew:
Hand pour with a Hario V60.
Brew Ratio: 1:16
Dose Coffee: 20g
Dose Water: 320ml
Water Temperature: 200 degrees Fahrenheit
Method: Bloom, Single center pour
Total Brew Time: 3 min.
First Pour: 60ml
Wait: 45 seconds - 1 min. for coffee to bloom (up to 1.5 min if coffee is freshly roasted)
Second Pour: 260ml.
Pour slowly in the center, no larger than the size of a quarter, stay away from the sides. When finished pouring, give the dripper a gentle swirl.
Let the coffee draw down.
Bed should be clear of water by 2:45-3:00.